Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Artists That Make Me Whimsical #1

I love collecting and surrounding myself with beautiful things - I mean who doesn't? Whether it's drawings, jewellery, books, shoes, clothes *sigh* the list goes on and on. Today I'll be sharing some of those beautiful things and the artists that created them.

First up is the beautiful and whimsical drawings of Whimsy by Amelia Jane Smith. The drawings take you back to a place and time where everything and anything was possible. A place where you sailed the seven seas with your imaginary friend, a dragon, and a time when you believed you could fly with the help of glue, a few pieces of stick and feathers.

Amelia studied at the Michaelis School of Fine Art in Cape Town. Ready for a career in high-brow art appreciation, as she puts it, she was surprised to stumble upon a small, winged girl with a tag-a-long menagerie in the pages of her sketchbook.

Stories with Swans #2

The Collector

Where Stories Come From

I bought these three prints a few years ago and they've been traveling and moving with me where ever I go. You can find Amelia and Whimsy either at the I Heart Market in Durban or pop in for a visit at their website and online store where you will find more beautiful prints and exciting adventures.

Post #2 on "Artists That Make Me Whimsical" soon to follow....
