That's Just Me...

Hi there,

So this is actually the boring page, but very necessary in my opinion. 

Please note the following:

I will ALWAYS let you know if something was sent my way to review. My posts are about things that I like and love and not to promote any products. If by chance this is a specific brand, thumbs up for them. Unless otherwise indicated, products on this blog were bought or gifted by FRIENDS. {If it isn't obvious where these products can be obtained I will supply the necessary information.}

I will ALWAYS be honest. This is fortunately my blog and I reserve the right to express my opinion. I'm definitely not doing negative posts - I want to celebrate the good things in life and the stuff that makes me happy. Every now then I might get philosophical and talk about some more serious stuff. 

'Out of suffering have emerged the strongest of souls,
the most massive characters are seared with scares.'

That said - I am no stranger to hardship and sadness and this is exactly why I choose to celebrate some of the most beautiful things in life. Whether they are mundane, superficial or insignificant to others. 

I will ALWAYS try and credit all photos. If there are any images here that are not credited correctly or you simply wish them to be removed, please pop me an e-mail and I will do so immediately.
Although my images are quite simple - I put a lot of thought, hard work and take pride in them. Therefor I ask that if you feel the need to use them, please credit me as JANA C. WESSELS ©. 
{Pinterest is wonderful and I myself am a fan and user of this application, but it seems that a lot of hard work and credit have vanished since its use. Only once you've created will you understand the need of acknowledgment. Or at least that's what I say!}

Yap, so with that out of the way lets have that beautiful affair with everything beautiful!


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