Monday, 18 February 2013

Lee Stafford Love

You kind of have to be blind if you walk down the hair care isle and NOT notice the Lee Stafford brand. Everything is VERY pink. So it was only a matter of time before I bought something from that range. After that the Barbie pink tubes and bottles took over my shower and dresser. I also attended the recent launch of the latest Lee Stafford products, where he took us through all the ranges - which was good for the first timers like me. Aside from the schooling, I could just listen to Lee all day long. VERY enthusiastic about his brand and a great storyteller!

my BiG FAT Healthy HAiR SHaMPOO and CoNDiTiONER
The BiG FAT Healthy HAiR-range contains a Pro-Volume complex that's a combination of hair conditioning agents, including Panthenol, that will help add volume and create thick and full looking hair. All that said, I didn't really notice that big of a difference. But then again I don't blow dry my hair, (I look like a mushroom if I do) my ghd and I have a monogamous relationship. It's only when I went to my hairdresser and she commented on my hair's volume, that I realised the products were actually doing what it promised! If the promises of big fat healthy hair doesn't convince you then the smell definitely will. The whole range is signified by a handful of characteristics, which the smell is one of.

TREaTMENT for HAiR that neVer GROWs past a CERTAiN LeNTH
This treatment was purchase number 2. No wonder I'm such a beauty addict - I'll believe almost anything these products tell me! I started using this treatment (which is almost finished) before the launch. Once again I haven't seen a huge growth spurt in my hair since I've started using it so I'll have talk to my hairdresser again, she has a way better 'hair-memory' than I do it seems. I will admit though that I DO LOVE how this treatment makes my hair feel - very soft, silk-like and hydrated!
According to mr Stafford they can't manufacture this product fast enough in the UK. If the shops run out, people actually start selling it online...crazy I tell you! On average they sell 6000 jars a week!!
Lee gave this little bite of advice to everyone there, which now that you think of it sound like common sense, but at the time I felt very enlightened.

"Make sure to use a treatment AFTER you have shampooed and BEFORE you condition. The reason for this is because shampoo initially roughs up the cuticles of the hair, which released the dirt from the hair shaft. This naturally leaves the hair shaft open, becoming the perfect absorbing environment for your treatment. It allows the proteins to penetrate deeper into your hair, for the best results possible. You would then use conditioner to slick the cuticles of your hair back down, creating the shiniest glossiest hair ever!"

So what's this product all about? It's a hair growth treatment with Pro-Growth complex that is protein based (if you read the ingredients it almost seems that every second one is a protein...) that will fertilize your follicles, creating a healthy environment on the scalp to help hair grow faster and reach it's maximum potential length. Their motto is: "If the earth's not nourished you'll never grow beautiful flowers."

They've also completed this range with a HAiR GRowTH SHaMPOO & CoNDiTiONER. So if you want to put your hair on a protein diet I would suggest investing in this range! 

So to make this new range even more amazing and attractive, they've launched their products in minis! Perfect for those of you (and me) that want to try something out, but are not willing to commit to a full product or use it while traveling. Have a look at the website to find out which products are available in minis ;) 

I've only heard great things about the POKeR STRAiGHT FLaT iRON PRoTeCTION ShINE MiST. 
It's one of their best sellers, it tripled their sales when it was released and won them awards!
This protection mist contains green tea extracts (an anti-oxidant) that will help protect your hair against environmental and heat damage reducing free radical formation caused by UV and heat styling.
I've only used this product once, but I will definitely invest in the full product once this baby is finished!
Again the smell is absolutely amazing! It's like perfume for your hair ;)

This is only the tip of the very pink Lee Stafford iceberg! The DeHUMIDIFIER, Beach BaBe Sea SaLT SPRaY and the BLiNDing BruneTTe range is at the top of my wish list.
Keep an eye out for the all the new products in stores which includes BLiNDing BruneTTe and Argan Oil ranges.

If you've used any of the Lee Stafford products I'd love to hear your thoughts!


*All Lee Stafford products are exclusive to Clicks stores in South Africa

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Artists That Make Me Whimsical #2

It seems that this post comes rather later than sooner than promised... But to make up for it I will make a second post later! Today I share a pair of artists' work with you that I just absolutely fell in love with and it just so happens that what they make is one thing I struggle to resist from buying. I'm talking about jewellery. I have so many pieces of jewellery that are absolutely invaluable to me - not because of their money worth, but of the fond memories and sentimental value I have of them.
I have rings that my father gave me as Christmas presents and especially now that he has passed away it makes them even more special. I have a pendant that was my mother's when she was a student and started working. And whenever I receive a substantial birthday donation I make a point of buying a piece of jewellery. Why? Because it's something that can remind me of that person whenever I'm wearing it and hopefully it's something that I will always have and pass on when the time is right.

And so it was inevitable that my path cross with Lady Peculiar. This peculiar, romantic and absolutely whimsical jewellery is made in the heart of Stellenbosch by two very talented jewellery makers, Truda and Louise. They capture the heart of South Africa in their pieces, but at the same time keep it universal, romantic, emotional and absolutely beautiful.

I bought these earrings in 2011 when I first visited Stellenbosch. I still get compliments every time I wear them. I love these earrings because of their whimsical and at the same time grown up feeling. 

I had absolutely no resistance left and ended up buying this ring as well on the same day. (I told you I have a weak spot for jewellery!) This flower ring is something that you find in most South African gardens and they grow wild along the roads, especially in the Western Cape during the winter time. The right name is an Arum lily and in Afrikaans we also call it a 'varkoor' that can be translated to pig's ear (???). These flowers were growing absolutely wild everywhere in Cape Town and surrounding areas when I visited. 

And so I moved to Cape Town last year *lucky me*. My mom came to visit me for my birthday and I received some money from my grandparents. So when we visited Stellenbosch that weekend I marched straight to shop no. 3 in Andringa street and bought this little nut. It reminds me of my hometown Potchefstroom that has an oak lane of 6.84km long. 

For more information and some mid-week inspiration visit Lady Peculiar either on their website or pop in at their shop in Stellenbosch. I promise you won't be disappointed!
