Wednesday, 19 December 2012

My Beautiful Affair with Diana F+ and Lomography

About two years ago I heard about Lomography, from that day on I just had to know more! There's just no better way than explaining this movement as VERY 'hipster'. Lomography is an analog camera movement and community that advocate experimental and creative film photography. Basically this is a very abstract art form where weird and senseless photos are appreciated. Imperfect photos are welcomed and there really are no rigid rules. Find out more about Lomography and their '10 Golden Rules' here.

This little lady here is my Diana F+. There are a lot of Lomo cameras out there, but this one is very popular. The best thing about the Diana is that you can buy the Deluxe Kit, it comes with all the bells and whistles - which I wanted! (Shame poor Mom had to, once again, bring me back this massive kit from the States. She bought it at B&H in New York - an amazing store especially if you are looking for techie-stuff and then had to drag it about 4 kilometers back to her hotel. Did I mention that she REALLY loves me?) 
I'm literally still in my Lomo-nappies and learning a lot. In SA there are currently only two main Lomography stores. The one is the Lomography Embassy Store - Johannesburg and the other is Exposure in Cape Town. Both of them are very helpful and friendly. 

Here are a few of my first photos. I'm very proud that something actually happened, I was convinced that the whole film would be either way under or over exposed! I used the 35mm back with the 35mm normal colour film with a 200 ISO and a 75mm lens. 

All of the photos were taken round and about Campsbay. These first three were taken on Glen Beach - it's a small family beach right next to Campsbay where families bring their dogs to have a run around and throw birthday parties for the kids. A definite favourite spot for locals (and me)!

As you can see the first three were accidentally double exposed and are overlapping each other at the beginning and end of each frame. This was 100% caused by my own ignorance of where the frames begin and end. You can actually make a very accurate guess if you know how! But I'm also excusing myself by calling it artistic freedom ;)  

If you look closely you will see that the above photo was exposed three times! Pure genius I say! ;)

I call this photo The Headless Man at Limoncello. If you live in Cape Town and you haven't eaten at  Limoncello, then you really need to make a plan. Luca usually parks his truck at Oudekraal (it's on your way to Houtbay via Campsbay) during the week and on a Saturday he's at The Old Biscuit Mill. The ingredients are always fresh and the view at Oudekraal is amazing. Definitely worth it if you want to take a meaningful lunch break and eat some good Italian food! O, and the drive to Oudekraal really is worth it.

This is one of my favourites so far. I double exposed this photo on purposed and somehow with some luck I got the framing just right! The first exposure was of the clouds and the second of Campsbay. So lets call it Campsbay in the Clouds. 

I just love this one because of the colours. Lomo film is known to make 'funny' colours. Why? I can't actually tell you, because I don't know! It's possible that it caught some 'flare' from the sun... or something like that!? 

I've already bought my second film and I'm halfway through - so hopefully I'll be able to post some more photos soon! I look forward to your questions and comments as always!

Lots of love Jana

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